When you arive for your appointment, please use the front door entrance located on S Lincoln Street. There is street parking available on S Lincoln St. or on the side of the shop on Tulip Street. The front door will be locked, but please knock when you arrive and we will let you in

  - If you have been feeling unwell, have a fever, have been diagnosed or have come into contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 (even if you are symptom free) we ask that you please reschedule your appointment for a date at least one month later. In order to reschedule we ask that you please provide proof of a negative Covid test. I ask that you please try to give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule, however, if you wake up sick the day of your appointment please let me know. Health and safety always comes first! If you reschedule because you believe you may have been exposed to COVID or are feeling unwell, your deposit will be honored on the condition that you provide a negative COVID test result before rescheduling.

  - Clients must wear a mask to come inside of the shop. We ask that you please bring your own mask, however we also carry single use masks if you need one. 

   - Please do not arrive early. To prevent clients from sitting in the lobby, we ask that you arrive on time for your appointment. If your artist is not ready for you, we may ask you to continue to wait outside or in your car.  

- Clients are to come ALONE to limit the amount of people in the shop, please do not bring anybody with you, they will be asked to wait outside during the duration of your tattoo. 
   - Upon entry clients temperatures will be taken with a touch free thermometer. If you have a fever (100.4 F or higher) you will be asked to leave and your appointment will need to be rescheduled for a date at least one month later and proof of a negative Covid test will be required. 

  - After your temperature is taken you will be asked to use hand sanitizer before filling out the release form.    

  - Clients must wear a mask properly covering nose and mouth at all times. Please do not remove your mask or wear it below your nose/mouth while inside of the building. Feel free to take as many breaks as necessary during your tattoo so you can step outside of the building to remove your mask. We always recommend that clients bring their own water and snacks, but we ask that you please go into a separate room or sit in your car to eat. We ask that you please only bring one small bag to carry your belongings.     

   - I ask that leading up to your appointment you practice social distancing. If you are in a high risk profession where you come into contact with many people on a day to day basis, please consider getting a Covid test several days before your appointment. This is not required, but will greatly decrease the risk to myself and my other clients!

 Thank you for your cooperation during this time, please stay safe!